Sunday, 25 May 2014

1942- Admiral Tojo’s visit
·      Among the many wartime visitors to St.Michael’s was Admiral Hideki Tojo, wartime Prime Minister of Japan.
·      To this day, the “imprint” of his official visit to the Headquarters of the Japanese administration can been . A red carpet was rolled down  for him along the main granite staircase by the Imperial Japanese Army. To hold the carpet in place, metal rings were hammered into the granite.These rings remain in place to this day as a grim  reminder of the dark days of World War II.  
·        One of the classrooms on the first floor of the main building was converted into an “interrogation room” by the Kempetai, the Japanese secret police. Among the many who suffered inhumane interrogation here was Sybil Karthigasu , who was accused of aiding the anti-Japanese MPAJA forces during the years of  the Japanese Occupation of Malaya.

                                                      Massacre in Manila
        At De La Salle University Manila, a number of Brothers managed to continue through the Occupation.Many were German,including Brother Arkadius and Brother Paternus Paul who had served at SMI pre-war.
       On 10th February 1945 with liberation already in sight Brother Director Xavier Kelly was taken away and never seen again.Two days later a group of soldiers rushed in, following a major air raid, searched the building for arms, and finding none began to bayonet the Brothers and several others who had taken refuge with them in the college chapel.
       One Brother survived his several bayonet wounds – Brother Antoninus. Also among the few survivors was a child who had been shielded by Brother Baptist who himself died.
      In all, 15 Brothers died.


                     Wartime Memories

                                                                 Prayerful Remembrance
Let us pause in prayerful remembrance of all the victims of the Japanese War
Both friend and foe
Including Mr.E.E.Fitzpatrick,  our popular scoutmaster
Who gave his life in defence  of our country
A group of La Salle Brothers murdered
By Japanese soldiers in February 1945.
In the chapel of De La Salle University Manila
Among whom were two former members of our staff
Brother Arkadius and Brother Paternus Paul
Perak aristocracy seen with Japanese officials of Perak state administration  at Perak HQ(SMI)

1 comment:

  1. The above about Tojo is incorrect. Firstly, Hideki Tojo was never an "Admiral" (he was not in the Navy). He was a General (army).

    2ndly, Hideki Tojo was Japan's war time prime minister and in his life, he has never ever been to Malaysia (Malaya). This error appears in Bro Vincent's book abt Bro Paul & I told him about it. The plaque at SMI on the 2nd floor which states that Tojo visited SMI is incorrect and the students are being misinformed. However, General Yamashita Tomoyuki (the field) commander did briefly visited SMI in 1941 on his way thru Ipoh on his way down south to conquer Singapore.

    Kenneth Yoong
    Perth, Australia (ex SMI student 1957 - 1969),
    MA in Japanese history from Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan. (
